
Thank you to our 2010-2011 Contributers

  • The Luther Family, U.S.A.
  • The Pickwell Family, U.S.A.
  • The Adolph Family, U.S.A.

How It Works

A.I.S. only accepts non-profit donations.

Donations of books for ages 0- 14 (mildly used or new), school supplies (paper, pencils, glue, tape, scissors, dry erase markers, markers, crayons, stickers, etc.), computers, printers/ ink, computer CDS, music CDS, science lab equipment, art supplies, school furniture (tables, chairs, etc.), chalkboards, dry erase boards, cork boards, educational posters, educational toys, playground equipment, educational games, or any other materials children/ teachers may use should be sent to:

Address: Ayoub International School
C/O Donations Dept.
45 Signal Hill Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Tel: 00232-33-646464

If you would like to make a monetary donation, used to sponsor a child’s tuition (or portion) please email our non-profit donation coordinator at